
Gender and identity.

This semester I have a gender and identity class that I liked very much. In this class we learn about queer theory, the evolution of it and the representations in the contemporany society. I really recommend this class, in the first place because it´s very mind opener in the sexuality topic and the differents identities that the people may have. It´s help to broke the paradigm of the binary sexuality, male and female, and the paradigm of been raised and act like a men or a woman in the actual society. I also recommend this class because it has a very interesting way to deliver knowledge and the teachers are didactics. In the semester we analized movies, cartoons, biblic texts and music, so it was really enterteinment.


Karl Marx. He was a intellectual of the XIX century. He was a philosopher, economist and sociologist among other things. He wrote several books in his life, like The Capital and The Comunist Manifest and he could be considered as the father of the comunist ideology. This autor is of particular importance and interest in the sociology studies because it´s one of the central thinkers on the field. He stands out because of his understanding over the social structures at the capitalist societies. Through a materialistic vision of the society he tried to show the material conditions that are hidden at the social structures of the modern society and in that way to show the exploitation conditions to which some parto of the population are subjected under another part of the society: proletariat and bourgeois. I think that Marx is very interesting t oread in order to have a basic idea of sociology and in order to learn about a understanding of the society that has marked the last centu...

The water crisis of the Aconcagua Valley.

The topic I selected is the water crisis affecting over the Aconcagua valley de last decade. I chose this topic because it is a topic of my interest as a sociology student and also as a San Felipe citizen. This topic is relevant to my because is an economic and political conflict thats affects all citizen of the valley directly or indirectly, and also afects the environment. So you can understand, the water crisis conflict in this zone lies in the issue that the big empresary use a ton of the water resource for they activity, mainly the mining and the avocado producer, because they can afford for the water, affecting the little empresary of the communities, but also the ordinary people, the native plants and trees and the animals. At last, I hope that in the future we can change the Constitution so we can change also the way that we understand and use the water, a ecofriendly way.

My last family photograph.

This is a picture of my family and me. This picture was captured by a friend of my brother, Kary. In the photo you can see my sister and my brother to the sides, my parents in the center and me holding one of the my dogs, Lulú. We are in my house in the middle of the summer, it was like the ends of January. It was a great moment. It like this photo for many reasons. First of all it´s one of the last photograph we took together, my sister was just arrived from her trip to Cuba, it was her first trip alone to other country, and my brother was about to leave to Holland to live with his girlfriend. I can also remember that the night before I fell and hit my head really hard, I get three stitches, so I had to use that bandage on the head. What I like the most of the picture is that reminds me the great day we had that day, sharing with friends and family. I never upload this picture to any social media until now because it shows a precious moment I want to keep to myself.

My PS4.

The Play Station 4 is a console that you connect to the Tv and lets you play video games. I love it, it´s so entertaining. I got it like five or six years ago when it just come out. A friend of mine went to the US at that time and me and my brother ask him to bought it for us. To play the PS4 games in the first place you have to had a joystick to control the games and you have to learn how to is it, that´s pure experience. Often when you buy the console it comes with a joystick, but we had to bought another one because we were to who wanna play. Also you have to buy the different video games that you want to play. This is the hard part because they are very expensive. We have like two o three video games. During a normal year I only use it like twice a month because I usually live in Santiago and the PS4 is in San Felipe, but this year I use it often in the weekends so I can use the week to study. I like it because I really have a great time when I use it. I disconnect from my problems...

The Sociology experience.

I don´t really remember what kind of Jobs I wanted to have as a child but I think it was like the usual dream jobs. Maybe I think I was going to be a firefighter or something like that.  At the time I´m studying Sociology al Universidad de Chile but it wasn´t my first option when I finish school. In fact, before I study Sociology, I study Politics Science for about a year. I also have other options like study something with chemistry or some kind of engineer, but I found more interesting study something related with social sciences. That´s why I decided I was going to study Sociology. When I was about finish school I was really confused about what to study because I was very good at math and chemistry, but my pasion were history and philosophy so my decision went in that direction.  My experience studying Sociology it´s have been full of emotions. In the first place I think that the fact of studying in a university brings some moments of stress and anxiety but I´m very greatfu...

Personal Presentation.

Hello class, I´m José, I was born in San Felipe, a city near to Santiago. I live here in San Felipe during the pandemic with my parents and my sister. If the situation turns more difficult we will bring my grandmother to our home. I live here also with my 5 dogs (3 big ones outside and 2 littles ones inside the house) and my 2 cats, my cat from Santiago and my cat from San Felipe. They don´t really get along. I also have a brother, but he is living in Netherlands with his girlfriend since last year. I went to the same school here in San Felipe my whole life. Then I went to Santiago to continue my studies. At first I enter to the PUC to study politics science for a whole year, but then I realized that I want to study sociology here in the Universidad de Chile. Its has been difficult during the covid situation because we are a family thats really like to go outside, meet with our friends. Me personally loves tu climb hills with my friends (San Felipe its a exceptional mountainous place w...